Contact Two

After many more interactions, and a freeing feeling from the area of the umbilical chord, glowing in the Light and Love of my Unity Christ Self Body, Auna again suggested coming through. Numerous personal areas have in this print been left in the original version, and here mainly stand as ...'s. This was the last "contact" in which she was solely still in her Earth personality, something happened to her after this, which was not empty of it, but very much more.

My relationship to Auna over the years has made it very clear that the sadness of loss was impossible. I feel again connected to her as in he years of the late 1980's when Emmanuel was touching us nightly, and the star ships were around regularly. During this period a knew, as I did when a young child, her Spirit from many times, such as Zanador, a Hyperborean-Lemurian. Her face and being is as I know it from the Christ Realms, and even more apparent and complete than seen, when she in her personality was not there. This is a wonderful re-Union and I thank the One Infinite Creator of All-Oneness. All Is God.



Greetings Ananda dear one. We have much to talk about now. I would ask that the body indeed be cremated and that the ashes are sent here to the Convergence. I would ask that I have four to five days before cremation for my own unfolding of the last aspects I can integrate into the Light of All-Oneness.

You are aligning to Emmanuel in more ways than you can even imagine. There are so many aspects in this that no one could imagine this far, yet it is here. I am here and it is soo clear. This can be communicated to others who know me, but it is here for now.

Andre Torjeman (her doctor) is a life saver for some, and for him he was an exceptional guide and friend, a companion that is of immense quality... I had to make this transition, and now was an immensely aligned time for my Christ family have now completed another turn of many pages in our mansion of completion. Do give Andre (T) a hug, he is also a servent of God of All-Oneness, and you know him well. As you know, he is also working on you right now, for balance.

Judy (Hall) is a dear darling. We talked together in the signs of the soul, as you saw last night, we were playing together in the Light Dance streams, and it was so good to know her here. For we are of an ancient course. I will see her again most certainly. She will pick up form now on in her life. She is a treasure of a friend, and this will always be, as our Christ families dance. All Is God.


...[several paragraphs here was a message to future event I would be required to initiate through, which would be a major initiation...]


I see you have been here in the Light and Love of the One Creator. You have been into what you were capable of being on Earth. God sent you the key, when it is right you are guided here for your mission, it exposes challenges as well, like all who travel the path to unfurling the curtain of the dream. It would be good if you again connect here in your key way, and in other ways, as you touched last night, and as you did so brightly with Emmanuel.


I am at last over the borderline of the summerland. I have had to see many of life's little mysteries, and God's little jokes are saturated throughout ones experience on Earth. I have given birth to myself. What was reflected on the Earth is in fact what I was succeeding with in these domains and beyond. Here Emmanuel has given me the most I could ask for. Such a glorious Christ body can only be formed when one is on a planet such as Earth, and Emmanuel via you, enabled me to have the time and the space to give birth to my Divine Child, my divine Form.

I am with the Divine Family of Christ, it has come to be as Athena did relay to me. She has been around in the first initial phases of the transition, and brought me to glimpse Emmanuel. They are so immense and expansive, that no words can describe their love. I have been bathed in aeons of compassion, humility, nourishment, and absolute Love, the Love in union with Christ of All-Oneness. These are not your words alone remember they were transmitted via your union with Emmanuel, and they do reflect well how I am now, another language awaits, and I will use other words with those who do not have such chances to have or transduce them.


Tell Kimah that I am very grateful for her company and the fears she made me aware of to see, in time before the transition. It has been of great service that she could show me these things in a way I would not have been able to sense in my own pretense. We are all very hopeful that her will, will allow her to join the Christ family on Earth, and she should know that she is thanked by many here for the changes she has made there with you and with her. She can become a manifestation of her Divine Self, if she dares to be her Divine Will for all others who require to be touched. I have seen her anew and have embraced her in the Light and Love of the One Creator... Here I begin to embark onto another expansion into the even greater Christ Family. Indescribable. Kimah, just be yourself, there I am also.

The next time I communicate in this way, Ananda, I will have undergone another major series of transformations. These will make me like I never knew I could be, as I am in God. I love God and embrace you both from this love, as God so loves you. Ananda, I am with you in Christ Emmanuel. God with Us. Auna.


[PS:] We embark now into our Cosmic Christ Family. I will be back. But when is only for God to know. I Love you in God of All-Oneness. Christ embraces me into the One Body of Christ of All-Oneness. God With Us. Your Christ sister Auna. All Is God. Christos Emmanuel.

-AUNA, July 15th, 1997